Monday, April 28, 2014

Caden {4.28.14}

I am here in good old Neosho. No it is not dominantly Asian either... We actually teach a ton of Pompeian people from Micronesia. It is cool I guess. Elder Kofford is cool. I don't hate him after all:) so the big news: I went back to Springfield Saturday for Josh and Shelby’s baptism. I am going back in two weeks for Katie’s. And the week after for two more!:) I miss that place... anywho, we survived the tornado! The closest one touched down 3 miles north of my town and killed two people! It was pretty crazy! I have some voice deals and pics for yall. But I am safe and didn't see it touch down:( have a great week sunbeams of Zion. Oh ya! And i helped Katie take out her lip ring! I keep pliers on me at all times!!

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