Monday, January 26, 2015

Caden {1.26.15}

Well this week was pretty dang awesome! We were in a position where we had 11 lessons and the other Elders had 7 and it was Saturday morning. After a prayer and an awesome team up, on Saturday alone we taught 17 lessons, 2 potential investigators, 2 people to reactivation terms, and we were able to go tracting and share our favorite scripture with the people we met! It might not have turned into anything right off but there was not one person that didn't start our visit grumpy and mad to see us, and ended our visit with a huge smile wishing us a good mission and a prayer! It was just cool! We both hit the standard but more importantly we both met so many new and amazing people! What better thing could I be doing right now than to walk around Oklahoma talking to people about eternal salvation... now that is a story to tell! Not to mention all the awesome youth that take good care of us and help us meet there friends through bon fires and sports activities!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

China {week two}

This week we started teaching! Between first and third grade, we are beat by the end of the day. The kids are seriously adorable. Definitely stinkers--- but cute ones.

This week for 1st grade I am teaching gym! We have done {attempted} relay races, a three legged race, and a spoon-launching-cotton ball improvised game so far. Haha! They love to run around and can't quite say McKayla yet. But we'll work on that.

This semester for 3rd grade I am teaching spelling and grammar! I always loved this subject in school so it has been so fun getting the kids excited about it! I love my third graders. They all know my name and always make sure to tell me "Hi Teacha McKayla" each time I see them. It's so cute.

Between teaching and lesson planning, throughout the week we don't have much time to do anything else. However, we have found some good dinner places and also got our Netflix hooked up to the TV so that's been super!

Our adventures start as soon as school gets over on Friday's. This Friday we ventured into another part of Nanjing {we've found that Nanjing is seriously huge} in search of American food. Hours later, all we found was a sketchy cheese filled fridge with a cat crawling around inside. So that was nasty. BUT on the way to and from the Metro we found some adventures!

We played "never have I ever" while doing a Chinese fire drill on the Metro, took selfies with random Asians, walked into a Taken scene, found a gorgeous Chinese Temple, joined a Chinese dance class, found bread {hallelujah} & ... then passed out. That's when ya know it was a good day!

Saturday we slept in, trip planned, and were off in search of a real Chinese temple. Along the way we found the 11th tallest building in the world! It was taller than any other building I've seen, that's for dang sure. We then found the temple and it was so cool!! Except.. it had closed minutes earlier. So we'll have to go back later. But we did find this big lake! It has paddle boats for rent so next time we'll be doing that! The lake itself was awesome though. There was so much fog/pollution that is was almost creepy, yet incredible.

Next me and a couple of the girls got our nails done for $3.50 (US dollars) so that was the best thing ever. Then we got dinner and went grocery shopping! We found so much stuff and ended up literally getting kicked out of the store because they were closing. It was hilarious. Finally, we had a midnight deep cleaning party in our dorm with some bleach and a shower hose! It was a great day!

Sunday we had to wake up early for our 1.5 hour commute to church. Church was good! We had a linger longer with the members from the branch and got to know them a little bit more, which was nice! Everyone in the branch is very welcoming and sweet! We actually got invited to dinner at the branch president's house {yes all 20 of us!!} We had dinner there tonight which was great! Their family has been such a big help AND we had tacos!! Which isn't Chinese food so it was freakin grand. After dinner we went back to our dorms and had a catch phrase night! Overall, this week was pretty great, and I'm still loving China!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Caden {1.20.15}

The Skies awake. That means I’m awake. Actually I wake up before the sky but you get the idea! This week has been really cool! Yesterday was super awesome!!! We hung out with a ton of youth and just played around. Out of nowhere we had two days about 60 degrees so we took advantage of it! It was so strange but I am okay with that! Don’t think I mentioned it last week but we have two people committed to baptism and I am SUPER excited about it. He asked me to baptize him before we got into it really so they felt really good! But ya! Everything is good and I love and miss yall so much! CTR oh ya! I GOT SOME SWEET SHEETS!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

China {week one}

Updating everyone individually is kind of impossible. SO. Look here for any and every update on my adventure!

This weeks highlights:
26 hours of travel
Lugging 60 suitcases up 5 flights of stairs
Rock hard beds
Set hot water times
Internet struggles
Street food
Dumplings, Squid, Egg filled crepe
Chinese grocery stores
Underground Market
Cafeteria surprises
Getting assigned to teach 1st & 3rd grade
Lesson planning
Getting to see our students profiles
Setting up our classrooms
Trying to speak Chinese
KTV- Chinese Karaoke
Church in China
Pulled noodles
Lion hair

This week started off rough with the jet lag and endless hours of travel. However, once that passed I've become even more anxious to see what these next six months have in store. My group is filled with 20 amazing people--- I'm so excited to get to know each of them better and experience this together.

My "Chinese Birthday" was definitely one I'll never forget. First my cute group decorated my door in the morning with balloons, a sign, a card and some treats. Then we got a tour by a couple of locals into downtown Nanjing. Here we saw: the Underground Market, Walmart, and a shoe mall. The underground market was awesome! Most things have a set price but you have to bargain until you get the price you want. This was hilarious to watch and so cool. We then split up into smaller groups.

 My group had six of us and we decided it would be fun to get off on a random Metro stop and see what was there. We found what we thought  was a temple, got some pictures by the cutest old man ever, annnnnd then went inside and realized it was more of a store than anything. But we did find a park behind it that was so fun. All the little families were hanging out here flying kites, playing cards and practicing calligraphy with water on the sidewalk. I loved it. Then we went and got some street food for dinner and a private karaoke room! If you know me, I do not and cannot dance. But, it's China. So, I had to. It turned into a big old dance party with some awful karaoke tunes. It was the best. Definitely a great way to spend my 20th. (:

Street Food--- dumplings

Walmart in China! Love these baskets.
Our church is in this hotel!
Sacrament meeting, Sunday school & relief society held here.

Our school's campus!

Cafeteria food-- Day one.

KTV 01/17/15
Love these ladies.

Chinese Temple
The Group!

My group is pretty cute.
Rice for dayzzzz.


Kite Flying!

Street Calligraphy