Monday, January 12, 2015

Caden {1.12.15}

Well to start off Happy Anniversary to my cute sister. Oh ya Luis to! I think he is part of that;) And a Happy Birthday to my McKayla! And please pray as she cross the dang ocean to go to china! That’s still crazy to think about! This week was good. Me and elder Tervort are doing good. Just living the missionary dream! Melissa is probably going to be dropped and we are going to work with her inactive boyfriend and we will see what happens. People! If you don't understand something it doesn't mean it’s not right. But still everything is good!!! There are a lot of close minded peeps out here and I just want them to open up and feel Jesus. All in time though. I love and miss yall so much. Be safe and have a good week. CTR

Blue PowerAde and us at lunch with my Elders!

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