Monday, March 10, 2014

Caden {3.10.14}

Hey yall... so i made it! I am staying in the wonderful land of Springfield and keeping it real in the YSA ward. My new companion will be here on Thursday! Elder Cross will be going on to being a zone leader in the same zone so i have not got rid of him yet and my new comp. Elder Teske has been out just over a year and he will be the district leader. Well not a ton going on here really but ya! I love and miss you all. Stay safe:)

Pictures: Me with a maple bacon donut from a place called Hurt's donuts. They are open twenty four hours a day. They also have an ambulance decked out in donut stuff and they make legit emergency runs to drop off donuts! The other one is me with Andrew Willyerd our ward mission leader assistant.

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