Monday, May 12, 2014

Caden {5.12.14}

Happy Mother's Day! Hey there party people! Two days ago i baptized Katie Lynn Lee Vaughn! It was an awesome experience... talking to the people i love was also an awesome experience!!!  So how is everyone doing? Anything new and crazy? I need someone to update me if anyone famous dies... cause i was thinking that i want to do there temple work no battle!!! Ya, i mean it too:) talking to the family was so cool. Got some sad news but also a lot of good. I met my two new nephews and i talked to my mommy and the one i call my girl! Yup, that’s you gram! And all of the brothers and sisters with a few surprises and i can't forget the love of my life! She looked so flawless, but everyone did really! Well i love and miss you all! Nothing going on here but i will let you know if it does! Haha. Love Elder Madsen!

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