Monday, June 30, 2014

Caden {6.30.14}

I got to go to the Kansas City Temple this weekend and it was AWESOME! I did confirmations for them. It was crazy how little it was. But it was so nice to be there. We had to wake up at 2:50 to make it to KC on time. But it was worth it. The baptisms for Abby and Eddie went great and there are more coming up! Super exciting stuff. And this is a ten week old Irish wolf hound puppy! It is HUGE! I almost forgot this... sorry yall. But this is Sister Reid. Not a member and at this point in life no longer accountable! She for sure lost her marbles. But that is okay! She is great still and we visit with her for an hour every Tuesday and talk about the old days! Hahaha

Monday, June 23, 2014

Caden {6.23.14}

Hey update: Michael being baptized on the 5th. Abby and Eddie this Friday. Misco will hopefully be good for baptism the week after that. Had some good finds at the thrift shop we work at and i got some pictures with Misco and her grandkids and a dog that I saved from drowning! Pretty sweet stuff! Love and miss you all.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Caden {6.16.14}

Well, we set a date with Michael for the 4th of July. Should be fun! I think they are going to make me frog legs for dinner that day so that is exciting. Last he made me some WAY good catfish! Ya Trav, i know! I went to a members house for dinner and he drove me around in his 55 GT 3500 so that was cool (it was only 50 feet but still!!!) and then I got in his 55 belair and just had to pretend but it sure was nice! But that is all i can think about! Love yall so much! I know this church is true i know that we have to, and do have a prophet on the earth today and i know that this religion is for everyone and if you don't believe me i will prove it to ya with the spirit! Haha. Big gulps huh? Well, see ya later!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Caden {6.9.14}

Not a lot to say this week! Same story as last week kind of. Here are some pictures after flour ball with the zone! Mike is a guy that committed to baptism so now we are going to set the date and we have two more lessons and he is ready! :) I am excited to see him enter through the gate!:) He is super religious and just been searching for truth... so that is what we gave him!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


· 6 Months
· 180 Days
· 25 Weeks
· 2 Skype Calls
· 25 Letters

←←←←←← 1/4 Complete →→→→→→

Six of the longest, best, loneliest, most rewarding, difficult, crazy, happiest months. There have been days where all I want is for this to be over. But also days where I never want it to end. Spending this much time away from someone you're crazy about is not easy. But, when you see him bringing people the happiness of the gospel that you both have, it is so worth it. He is out there for a reason. He is with those people for a reason. And he is away from me for a reason. I couldn't be happier knowing how great he is doing on his mission.

Eighteen more months until we can be together again, but I wouldn't want it any other way. Continue killing it out there Elder Madsen. I'm so proud of you, and I love you so much!

This is this month's postcard. So a year ago today was our "1st" date (that year anyway.) After my graduation he took me here and it was actually closed.. haha. We were real bummed but it actually turned out to be a great thing because we just went on a drive and it was the best ever. After that day, things got perfect. The timing of our relationship was perfect and I'm so glad we didn't get to go in the garden's that day. 

Also here is the package I sent for his 6 months/ our one year. It was filled with some homemade goodies, random treats, a tie, a tie pin with the I love you sign which is totes our thing, letter writing stuff, a 100% Caden American flag shirt and a bandanna thing (Lol.)
Oh and Caden has been asking for the lyrics to some of our songs since he can't listen to them while on his mission, so I put together a book full of the lyrics and pictures and stuff. (;

1 Year ago..

A year ago today, my life changed forever. Not only did I graduate high school, but I also started things with a man that would soon change my life. This has been the first year of our lives together and it couldn't have been better. We've been apart for half of that, but I wouldn't change a thing. The relationship that we built before he left was the foundation of something irreplaceable, and we have become so much stronger these past six months spent apart.
This past year has been full of ups and downs, laughs and tears, dates and letters, plans and ideas, faith and love. I've never been happier and I know that is because I have found the love of my life. Caden is everything and more that I could ever ask or hope for. He has never let me go a day without knowing his love for me and making me feel worth the world. Because of him, I know what it means to be loved, to be cherished, to be appreciated, and to be happy. I've still yet to find the words that appropriately describe how much he means to me.
Caden, Thank you for making the past 365 days the best of my entire life. I can hardly wait to see what the future has in store for us. I love you with my whole heart and even though I won't see you today, or tomorrow, or for 18 months- I've never felt closer. I love you!! Happy 1 year. ♡

Monday, June 2, 2014

Caden {6.2.14}

Not a ton of time so sorry it is short! Baptism last Thursday for a kid i started teaching my second week here. His name is Justin. I confirmed him on Sunday! That was pretty cool! I am expecting 2 more in the water by the end of the month! They are really cool people:) it is really awesome! Not a ton else is new... love and Miss Yall so much. An alligator snapping turtle! And some baby raccoon's going up a tree. I saw a skunk eating some lady’s flowers too so that was pretty neat:) The lady that lives down stairs always has us bring her groceries in for her and every time she gives us an apple or banana or a piece of cake. They are usually gross and old but Elma tries her best. Bless her heart!:) Almost forgot! No changes at all this transfer!