Monday, June 2, 2014

Caden {6.2.14}

Not a ton of time so sorry it is short! Baptism last Thursday for a kid i started teaching my second week here. His name is Justin. I confirmed him on Sunday! That was pretty cool! I am expecting 2 more in the water by the end of the month! They are really cool people:) it is really awesome! Not a ton else is new... love and Miss Yall so much. An alligator snapping turtle! And some baby raccoon's going up a tree. I saw a skunk eating some lady’s flowers too so that was pretty neat:) The lady that lives down stairs always has us bring her groceries in for her and every time she gives us an apple or banana or a piece of cake. They are usually gross and old but Elma tries her best. Bless her heart!:) Almost forgot! No changes at all this transfer!


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