Thursday, September 4, 2014


1st "mission baby" ? CHECK! (:

This month was a slow one.

But, good news is- it's over!!

Only three months until humpday!! Whoo!

This month's postcard takes place at a restaurant not far from our houses, Applebee's. I'm really not even sure how it all started but one day we went to Applebee's randomly and there was bingo going on! At first we laughed- "Yeah, sure. I guess we could play!" Then- it became one of our favorite things to do. More than not, this is where we spent our Wednesday nights. Whether it was just the two of us, or when we brought friends, it became a tradition that I hope will never end.  Winning tupperware and spatula's, sharing half off appetizers until we felt like puking, and screaming BINGO across a restaurant started something wonderful. Something that maybe we only understand. But maybe, that's how it should be.

I love you Caden, you have made me so proud. And don't worry, only 65 more Wednesdays until we can continue becoming Bingo pros and preparing to kick all those other grannies booties!

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