Monday, April 6, 2015

Caden {4.6.15}

IT IS ME! So read this because i am kinda a big deal... just kidding!:) Well this week was pretty dang good!! We did around 15 hours of service which was great! We also had 10 hours of service and taught 26 lessons! And had 4 active member lessons! It was sooo sweet. Conference was amazing! The importance of families was slightly hinted towards;) But it made me so excited. I love my family so much. And i love the law of chastity and how important it is in a healthy, lasting, eternal family that i hope we all strive for! Some things in life are so important but they are far too often pushed to the back burner with the things that truly don’t matter! A long with that i had a lot of thoughts on the importance of extended family! Once married our immediate family slightly changes... but how much should it change? Isaiah said that hearts of the children should be to the father and the father to the children! EVERYONE LOVE YOUR FAMILY AND MAKE THEM LAST:) OH YA! Special thanks to my Mom, Trav, Kennan, Mamma Em, Ty, Tamia, and James for the awesome packages! And Gram and Gramps for the Easter gift!

Much Love,


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