Monday, August 24, 2015

Caden {8.24.15}

Things sure have been speeding up a little but it has been not too fast! It is just exciting to see how it all plays out! Morg goes to the MTC on Wednesday and then comes here to me! Wyatt is home and has not emailed me....... he also can’t get over the fact that Kayla hasn't broke up with me and we are still serious. Tehehehe. It was a really good week! I loved it! We hung out with Spencer and Blain Rasmussen and that was a blast for sure! It involved some bubbles and my camera and I also got the chance to give a blessing that was extremely powerful! I don’t know how it will end up but I was grateful for the opportunity I had to give it! The young lady was very in tune! I don’t think she realized how in tune she was. But if nothing else it helped my testimony! I got to see a couple people from Neosho at the church building. That was fun! We ate at some guy’s house that made soooooooo much food. We were all sick when we left! Then went to do service. People. Clean your freaking houses. Thanks! Don’t let it get to the point that missionaries have to come in and fix it! As we were cleaning, everyone in the house lightened up. It was more spiritual in there! Please people. Love Jesus.... clean your houses! And I got to see one of the Elders that sat in on Trav's conversion! Elder McKee lives here in Missouri and is a member of the ward i am over! He was recently in an 18 wheeler role over but doing fine!!!!! Hahah he showed me this record of Travy getting baptized. I thought that was pretty dang cool!

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