Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nineteen! (:

So yesterday was my nineteenth birthday! This is absolutely crazy to me. Feels like I just started middle school. Haha. Cheers to these next two years speeding by too. (; But I had a great day! Started off with my little siblings waking me up by singing happy birthday and giving me a cute little breakfast, then I was off to work. Work was normal, but my cute friends from work bought me cupcakes and sang and such, so that was good! Then after work Kels came over and hung out, and that's always a good time. Then I met up with Kylie, Michelle, and Lindsey to get mani/pedis. That was much needed! Such a good time. Then the four of us met up with Zak and Kaylee at my favorite restaurant, Wingers. We decided to go crazy and get a 50 piece stinger finger platter to share, and man that was fun. Hahah. We definitely didn't come close to finishing, but hey the thought was there. After dinner we went back to my house for cheesecake (I hate cake) and just hung out. I really do have the best friends, and family. They were very good to me and I love them all to pieces! Thanks for a great birthday guys! (:

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