Monday, March 24, 2014

Today was such a wonderful day. Why? Because it's Monday!! That means.. P-Day! And that means.. I get to talk to Elder Madsen!! I'm so so proud of him. He had a crazy busy week- taught 35 lessons, walked over 38 miles, got 5 new investigators, and set up 6 baptism dates! Can you say proud girlfriend or what? It's hard having your best friend so far away, but knowing he is doing such amazing work makes it all worth it. He has already accomplished so much and I know he is only getting started! Talking to him today was.. great. (: he always knows just what to say to turn every doubt, frustration or worry away without me saying a word. He's incredible. He really is. I'm so lucky I found such a wonderful man who is willing to ditch his life and give it to help others come unto Christ. He's exactly where I want him to he. Exactly where he should be. And most importantly, exactly where Heavenly Father needs him to be. I love you Caden! Keep up the good work. (:

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