Monday, November 24, 2014

Caden {11.24.14}

We had an awesome week!!! I even made dinner for some people! Full on Wisconsin and pina salad! It was awesome! We made a lot of progress with Melissa and found out what was holding her back. We got two new gators and half way through the lesson he got very serious and said "I have a question... when is the soonest yall can come back?" dang we love to hear that! Happy B-Day to my mommy and Happy thanks giving to all of you!!!! It will be awesome! I love food. Christmas is coming so fast and I am so excited!!! Please Keep Trav and Gramps in prayers for their knee surgeries. (Recovering and preparation for) and for my sweet Girl McKayla as she is getting through her tonsillectomy! They need prayers always! LOVE YOU ALL! I am so grateful for all of you and all that each of you do to support me! Love Elder Madsen
Oh ya... my Papa Elder Cross is at home. Find him and love him! He only lives three minutes away from me. And if anyone is in contact with Chaz Nelson... tell him to email me stat!

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