Thursday, December 11, 2014


I am super excited to announce that in just 30 days I will be on a flight to Nanjing, China!! (:

My whole life I have wanted to travel and do something fun and crazy like this. This opportunity kinda just popped into my life last Spring and I knew it was what I wanted and needed to do.
It's been a long process getting to this point. Once I applied I had to be interviewed and then wait what seemed like years. Eventually I got accepted and then assigned to my school in Nanjing. Tons of documents, appointments, and waiting later-- here I am.

& Let me tell you, I am STOKED.

The program I am traveling with is called International Language Program or ILP. To learn more about them or how you can get involved visit and prepare to be hooked!

Basically, I am going to China to teach some cute little kids English! Along with some other young people, we will be these kid's teachers and spend 6 months learning all about them and their culture! Meanwhile, getting to explore and travel all around China and see things I never thought I'd see and doing things I never thought I could.

Cheers to China, because I'm so freakin excited. ♥♥♥

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