Tuesday, May 5, 2015

{17 Months}

Woah, woah, woah. 

Where the heck is time going. 

Not complaining, but man. 

As they tend to do, this month also flew by. We went on a couple weekend trips and also did our big ten day vacation to Beijing and Shanghai, which will be on the blog soon!

It was another great month here in China, and Oklahoma for that matter. I've been posting all of Caden's weekly updates so I don't have too much more to add, but his mission is going great! Right now he is the runner up in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission for the most baptisms which is super exciting. He has blessed so many people's lives out there and I know that he's not planning on slowing down that work one bit. 

He truly is such a great missionary. He makes me so proud every single day! 

Oh and his cousin and best friend Morgan just received his call to the OTM as well! He heads out in August so they will be serving together the last few months of his mission which is so awesome! It's a pretty special thing and we're all super excited for them to carry out the work of the Lord together! 

Keep it up Cade. Love you lots!

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