Monday, June 15, 2015

Caden {6.15.15}

Well it was a great week! We went up by the port of Catoosa and had a ton of fun bowling with President and Sister Shumway. I tie a mean 9-layer-tie and the fun of YSA at stake conference! I love the area tons!!! But...... I will be transferred this Thursday up to Willard, MO that puts me back to Springfield! I will be so sad to leave these people and Tulsa that I have truly fell in love with but I can’t wait to get back up to see Bishop Nothum and all the other people I miss from 18 months ago. I will be companions with Elder Paventti? I think that is how you spell it. All I know is that he is Italian. (Thanks E.B.) And we will be Zone Leaders there. So it was a good week! Now to say all the good byes and try to send 9 month’s worth of build up home. Have fun mom. Love you all so much!

P.S. McKayla only has two weeks and then her and my mom and a couple other people will make up for all the letters you don’t send.
Much love,

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