Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Caden {7.15.15}

We had MLC Monday and Tuesday so email day is this day! It was an awesome week last week and so far this week. Everything is going well. We are ALWAYS super busy. The Loveland’s are really neat and fitting in very well. We are just getting better. He is just pushing harder on the stuff we were already doing. We worked cattle which involves shots, castration (if they are young steers) and tagging their ears! We done got some cow balls to fry up and hiked a waterfall. I really love the picture after MLC with the 6 missionaries in front of the Garden of Eden which IS NOT what you might think it is. Promise it is not a warm and fuzzy type of place unless with in the bonds of marriage between male and female (can’t wait;)) ya! Just a lot of awesome stuff. I love and miss you all.

Much love,

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