Monday, July 27, 2015

Caden {7.27.15}

Well....... I am still going to be a zone leader but there is a little twist on it! Normally I would have my companion be a zone leader as well cause that is just how it works, but this time i am going to be training a brand new missionary! I am really excited about this:) I am also proud to say that Elder Chapman, Wyatt, and (drum roll) Elder Porter is training! I am super proud of them and I Love that Elder Porter is birthing my Grandson the same time I am getting his Brother ;). I am really excited about this. Out of 24 zone leaders there are only 2 of us that are training. I feel very blessed because I love training so much and me makes me think about my Miho Elder Nelson! I really miss that kid:) I hope you all are well and I miss ya! The baptism went VERY well. The confirmation was a really good experience and I am so grateful Jesse asked me to perform that. While visiting her we had a really crazy imminent threat thunderstorm warning that LITERALLY formed over our heads! It was soooooo cool. Never seen that before:)

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