Monday, October 12, 2015

Caden {10.12.15}

Okay... well it has been a GOOOOOOD while since I emailed... so I never really updated y'all but on Saturday we had three baptisms! 3 little kids in a part member family and I just love the whole family! They have helped my testimony SO much lately. We had a lesson with them last night and Cami (the mom) invited her friend to join... her friend was VERY opposed to the thought of our church. She is a dovoted pentacostal and she didn't plan on that changing. The Book of Mormon changed that for her.. she said "if there is more truth out there.... I better humble myself and accept it! I NEED to be close to God". How neat is that!?! So we are going to teach her. It was just a really fun experience. The last few weeks were just crazy but so fun. I have gotten to see Morg a lot and I got to hang out with my man Elder Gordon "Uncle Gordon". It has been an awesome few weeks. This coming week we are getting ready for transfers! I have 51 or so days..... that is only 1 transfer and 9 days.... holy cow! I love you all so much! have a blessed week and Jesus loves you.

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