Sunday, October 18, 2015

Caden {10.18.15}

Well... my days as an office assistant are through..... after much prayer, discussion and council: President Loveland is going to put me in as Traveling Assistant. Unfortunately I don't have an address to give.... as we will be living out of a suit case in the trunk of our car and sleep in other missionaries apartments as we pass through. This gives us the chance to do more hands on training with the Zone Leaders and troubled areas. I am very excited and blessed to have this opportunity. There will still be Assistants in the office that cover 3 of the zones near by and we will be over the remaining 10 zones. Most of the zone leader areas are split so it will be pretty busy! About 60% of the missionaries in the mission have not yet hit there 7 month mark. Me and my companion (Elder Brown) are ready for the challenge! 

Here in Bentonville:

Doug McMillon (Walmart CEO) is a potential investigator that we can't get in touch with. Due to the major drop in stocks, which was planned, there were a few lay offs and his house is surround by police officers and undercover agents that we saw! They are not really trusting us. Especially cause a few of them are members of the church. They escorted him in after his recent trip to China;)

We had a very powerful lesson with Diann and committed her to baptism. The family from last week is going to be hard to say goodbye to! I love those kids! I TRULY hate to be leaving because of her and everyone in this area! I have loved a lot of areas pretty quickly, and there are still people in other wards I love more... but if I could I would get those people and bring them to this area! It is SOOOO amazing and supportive and the people LOVE being members and high activity rate and the gospel is so powerful here. We keep finding and having really good lessons. Not to mention that they all work for Walmart or own their own well know companies so that is just kinda fun! I love you all! I don't know how the next few weeks will be yet so just in case....

I love you tons!!! See ya in 6 weeks:)

Much Love,
Elder Madsen 

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