Monday, January 27, 2014

Caden {1.27.14}

Hey there party peeps. So here i am on the campus of MSU. So college life on a mission is interesting. But i love it here. THE WEATHER IS JUST LIKE UTAH. Yesterday was a high of 45 and today is 7. What the heck... so i am just freezing so no big deal. I think i have everyone on my list so if not let me know! I got really cool packages from my family and McKayla. Happy birthday shout out to McKayla back on the 17 which is also happy anniversary to mi hermanitos Kylee y Luis. So i teach lessons in Spanish every once in a while. I love it so much! Only a few more days till Chris and Heather's baby! I am in shock over how fast that went. So i am kinda funny and if any of yall see Chris or heather ask them about the fun fact i made up. Funniest deal in the world! So two days ago a guy needed a quarter for the bus. I gave him a buck and he goes. "You a nice m.f. don’t do dope and lose you license m.f. and have a great m.f. day" i almost died laughing! Cause he was being sincere. The picture is of my new friend Bearnie Ermin that we met downtown! He is so awesome!!! The other one is of me being sexy at a service project around campus. You’re welcome. This week has been incredible with the spirit because of all the young kids truly desiring to know answers! If you have not taken a chance to pray about the book of Mormon read Moroni 10:3-5. And pray. Please understand how true the church is. I love you all! Love big daddy elder diddly whack Mormon Madsen.

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