Monday, February 3, 2014

Caden {2.3.14}

What’s up? How yall doin?? So not a lot going on here this week! i spent my Sunday evening in the emergency room with a sister in the ward that has a blood clot from here her ankle to her pelvis... we gave her a blessing and we could tell that she will be okay!:) So that’s good. We are teaching one girl that is super-duper deep... she asks the craziest daggum questions in the world! One of them was "if Elijah was translated was he resurrected or did he go to the spirit world?”


That some sort of a sick joke?? So we found the answer and she was happy, in case you’re wondering he is in heaven! Haha. Other than that we don't have very many deals goin on... i would love to hear more bout all a youins! Ya that's a new one I’m getting used to. So for breakfast our rich bishop that owns Nothum's food processing took us to Hemingway’s! It’s the restaraunt at the world’s first bass pro shop! The place is awesome! don't be too jealous trav. so while i was in the ER there was a giant t.v. playing the super bowl.... i picked up my chair and turned it around:/ but I’m glad i did cause people watching was awesome! Some chick got high on meth (Springfield is known as the meth capitol of the universe... you can get it anywhere!) she fell and split her chin so i got the watch that fiasco! So awesome! Well that’s all. Love yall be safe:)

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