This year I am especially grateful this Thanksgiving. It's been a rocky year but yet such a year to remember! (:
To start off this Thanksgiving my family continued our tradition of going with Salvation Army to deliver meals to people who don't have anyone else to share this holiday with. Their sweet spirits truly have brightened my life, and I am so thankful for this tradition. It's definitely my favorite one and I plan on never stopping.

I am grateful for so many people, experiences, and blessings that I've been given.

I am grateful for so many people, experiences, and blessings that I've been given.
My family is first. Every single member of my family, immediate and extended plays such a strong role in my life and have shaped who I am today and who I want to be. My parents have bent over backwards to provide for me and I love them so much. My siblings are pains in the butt sometimes, yet some of my favorite friends. My grandparents are my greatest role models and people I aspire to be. My cousins are my entertainment and so much fun to see them grow up. Especially Kels, she's my BFF. My aunts and uncles are some of my best friends and I love and trust each of them so much. I could go on and on but what it comes down to is that people come and go, but my family never has and I'm confident they never will. I love you ALL so much.
Caden is next. Clearly, I love him a whole lot. But the greatest part is that what we have is something real. Something that has proven itself stronger than I could have ever wished for. He has been my back bone and the light at the end of the tunnel for me so many times and I really don't know where I'd be without him. He has made me realize my worth and I think that's the greatest blessing of all. I can only hope to show him half of the love he's shown me. I love you sweetheart! --also Caden's entire family has been such a blessing to me and I'm so grateful for their love and support. Love you all!
My girls. & Chris (; I've been so blessed to have a group of friends who have stood by my side. They know who they are and I can never repay them for the friendship they've shown me. We've been through a lot but somehow we've always finished at eachothers sides. Each of your four girls & my number one.five boy have a special place in my heart and I'm so grateful for you.
The gospel. Over the years I've watched my testimony unfold in front of my eyes, usually through times I never expected. Especially this year, I have grown so much and I have a true understanding and love for this church and my loving Savior. I know this church is the true church and without it I'd be lost, alone and unhappy. I'm eternally thankful for the atonement and the chance that I have to live because of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
My job. I've worked at Cafe Zupas going on four year now. It has been a place where I've seen myself transform. I truly have grown up there. I'm grateful for the opportunities I've been given with each promotion and even more grateful for every person who I've met/worked with there. They have seen me through some of my worst times and also my best. Somewhere in between I've made life-long friendships that I wouldn't trade for the world.
I could go on for years.
Overall, I'm thankful for my life & all the people in it. ♥♥