Monday, November 10, 2014

Caden {11.10.14}

So to start off... last Monday we finish emailing and shopping and go into shoe carnival and out of no where I look at one of the employees and me thinks to myself... "that looks just like Natalie powell that I have known from 3rd grade..." then me realizes "HOLY HECK! That IS Natalie powell." so her and her mom moved here to Owasso three months ago so that was a crazy trip! that pretty much never happens. my other elders were like "why is Mad head talking to a girl and not about the gospel?" So ya that was crazy! got a nice update on everyone and then introduced her to the elders serving over her area cause she is less active! BOOO YAAAA! #nailedit so that is neat. then I went on exchanges with elder Reynolds and had a blast! I love that kid. well love youins so much! be safe. oh ya and we decorated Elder Porter's wall while on the exchange. and found two new investigators that are pretty prepared. man this week was just great!

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