Monday, November 17, 2014

Caden {11.17.14}

Well I am staying and keeping my comp. I went to the Dentist and got a free retainer cause mine was messed up! I had those 30 year old ladies loving me!;) Haha the Doc is a member and a really cool guy. Melissa is back on track working towards baptism and we had 3 investigators at church and I got my Christmas present early! Thanks for the camera Ma and Pa! It has been a good week and we got a few new investigators. We were driving around and these people were in a U-Haul so we offered to help and they were very excited. It is a long story but pretty much they are interested and we are going to be teaching them and we were an answer from God to them!! How neat is that?! And I cut my hand chopping wood! It was gross. But so cool! And sorry Trav but look at these geese!!! This is a special Happy Birthday Shout out to my sweet Holland, My big sissy! My buff guy Morgan and of course the one and only Mother Goose Dawn Meyerhoffer. I love you all and I hope you have the greatest BDAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!! I love you! Happy Day from us goofy guys to you!!!

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