Monday, June 16, 2014

Caden {6.16.14}

Well, we set a date with Michael for the 4th of July. Should be fun! I think they are going to make me frog legs for dinner that day so that is exciting. Last he made me some WAY good catfish! Ya Trav, i know! I went to a members house for dinner and he drove me around in his 55 GT 3500 so that was cool (it was only 50 feet but still!!!) and then I got in his 55 belair and just had to pretend but it sure was nice! But that is all i can think about! Love yall so much! I know this church is true i know that we have to, and do have a prophet on the earth today and i know that this religion is for everyone and if you don't believe me i will prove it to ya with the spirit! Haha. Big gulps huh? Well, see ya later!

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