Monday, October 27, 2014

Caden {10.27.14}

So for this week we watched a cow gave birth.... yum:/ and we hit the standard of excellence! IT was awesome! We worked really hard and we did it! So things here are going great! I thought it was so awesome because they have not been able to hit the standard for the last 2 and half months or so! So we are doing it and it is all because of members. We got to a point where we had nothing to do that day and we went tracting which I don't like cause doesn't involve members. We hit 7 houses and 5 people opened the door and we taught a lesson to all 5 of them so that was cool!!! 3 said we could come back. But that is tracting... you get a  ton of lessons really easily and then it doesn't always go somewhere but elder porter was SOOO happy about it and it made it all worth it! Oh ya!!! Last Monday I got a black eye from wrestling with the guy next to me in the pic... but don't worry!!! I won every time:)

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