Thursday, October 2, 2014


I'm super duper excited about this, p.s. 


So this month's postcard takes place at Daybreak Lake. Before I met Caden, I had never been to this little lake before. But for the 3+ years I've known him, this was probably ..okay maybe.. my favorite place of ours. Usually on Sunday's, after we were each done with our family things we would drive and meet each other here. We spent so many hours just sitting and talking and laughing and just enjoying each other here. The memories, the moments, and the conversations I remember here aren't something I have on camera but they're something I'll always remember.

Maybe one day if we're rich and lucky, we'll live here. But until then, this is a place of us; a place where we figured each other out and became something together.

You're almost halfway there Cade! I hope you can see how proud you make me. I love you! 

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