Monday, March 16, 2015

Caden {3.16.15}

This week was pretty good! We set two baptismal dates for the 11th. we had a zone conference on Tuesday and i got to take a pic with 3 of my comps i have had and i got to see Elder Bulpitt which was cool! But best of all....... ELDER REYNOLDS WAS THERE! I just love that kid tons! Special shout out to CHAZ NELSON! I miss you kid! But ya... everything has been going super well and oh ya! There was a place called Belk having a sale on ties and i got 5 ties and saved 200$ on my purchase... i only spent 20 but they were worth 45 a piece! Thanks for teaching me to bargain shop gram! We will be back at it in no time!:) We went to the hospital to give a blessing yesterday and some random guy put a little pink flower in my pocket... really random. Didn’t know him. But i was very grateful! And this was a slight cup in the mouth accident! That drink was really good.

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