Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Caden {3.2.15}

Well i am at the 15 month mark! Well in two days i am... and things are going pretty good out here. so basically, someone in these emails needs to impregnate there lover (under the bonds of marriage) and deliver that kid the day i get home and then i will come to the hospital first thing and give it a missionary blessing and then get set apart;) You're welcome! Well in other news our dear sally was baptized on Saturday so i got to go back up to see the Owassins which was really awesome! I tried to stop by Melissa's but it didn't work out:( i do miss that family dearly! This week we found some really cool new investigator who is a lot like Katie from Springfield... just not quite as cool! So we are working with her now and our lesson went great. She tried to put on the tough girl act but the spirit broke her down and she talked about how much she wanted to change! We also went on exchanges and I and elder coon got invited to dinner with President and Sister Shumway! President cooked... original recipe..... Hahaha but ya! It was a good week! In the past two weeks i got two SUPER amazing packages from McKayla's awesome family and my family! I just love them both so much! Thanks for all of the support. I really appreciate it!

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