Monday, March 9, 2015

Caden {3.9.15}


Well i am not Spanish speaking but i figured i needed a title that really rushed you into my email because i am really important and i deserve all of your attention;) just joking! Well lots of good stuff happening this week. Claudia from red robin got a new job 2 minutes from out house so seeing her should be easier. Demarco is set to be baptized on April 11th but we have a conference that day so stand by! And we are going to set an upcoming date with Mercedes either today or tomorrow! So we are super excited! We have a special zone conference tomorrow! If we don’t get our iPad's i will give up ALL hope... so we will see. But ya! Nothing too exciting! Just fulfilling the will of God like it is an everyday thing! How exciting is it that as members of this church we can do that! God Bless Everyone! (I have never seen the movie that is from). 
Much love,

E. M.

P.S. Chris do you remember a Brother Bonham from your mission... taught seminary, potentially at a middle school and is in one of the pics. Let me know!

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