Monday, May 11, 2015

{Caden 5.11.15}

This week has been soooo overwhelming! I talked to my family yesterday and it was really cool! I didn't get to talk to Kayla but we are around the world from each other so it happens. But other than that one downer I got to hear from my grown up niece and nephews and my awesome family. My cousin Morgan got his mission call! He is going to……THE OKLAHOMA TULSA MISSION!!!!!!!!! OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM. I still can’t believe it is even happening!! That along with a ton of other news! I just can’t believe it but I am so proud of him and he come in two transfers before I go home! It is sooooo cool. Everyone hit your knees and hope I train him! I would love that more than anything in the whole wide world. We hung out at Richard and Missy's and it was a good Mother's  Day. I don't know what else to say. Still in shock kind of! But we do have two baptisms this week and we have lots of cool stuff going for both areas and a lady was exploded out of her home 200 ft. away from us so that is about all. Love you bunches!:)

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