Monday, May 4, 2015

Caden {5.4.15}

What’s up??!?!?!?! Cool stuff going on here. I teamed up with the district... literally. We are the Brook hollow Bears/Burros(Spanish elders) and we had the challenge to get two new baptismal dates and issues maps to them and our district hit it dead on! I love it! We had 8 progressing and 7 of them had a date and all with maps. It was so cool! This week will be a lot of family history! So we are excited about that. But it was a really intense week. And I don't even know where to start so I will just send some pics.... but we went on a childhood journey with Richard. We were second people to drive by the death of a man that was hit by a car and launched out of his shoes 30 ft. and we helped a lady jump her car under an over pass and had to take a pic and just other weird awesome stuff! Love yall tons. Have a good week. Also! Elder Chapman is leaving and Elder Wyatt (his MTC companion) is coming in!

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