Monday, May 18, 2015

Caden {5.18.15}

We had three baptisms this weekend. The two girls were baptized by the bishop and I got to baptize Rico! I just love this family sooooo much. I think every single one is a convert besides the mom. Rico is 8 but was baptized with his two sisters. I am so excited for them and their confirmations were a very powerful experience as well. There was another tornado but it was at least 7 miles away so we are safe but I am going to clean it up today! We are meeting with Richard tonight. I think it is what he told us yesterday! So we are super excited for that! And the mission is no longer the OTM after July 1st. It will now be called the Arkansas Bentonville Mission. So I am super excited to see how that goes. Just a long crazy week! We had a goal to get 7 active member lessons and 14 referrals this week and we got 6 or 7 lessons with 22 referrals so I am okay with that! Haha. Love you all a ton. Talk to you next week:) 
P.S. We met storm chasers so i made Sydney pull over on the side of the road so I could get a pick with them... and then I got to see a ton of people I love and miss from past areas! But no Elder Reynolds:( and Chaz needs to come visit me!!!!!!!! And I had to do some IT work for the mission office: destroying the old computers.

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