Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Caden {2.9.15}

Okay so here it is... I am going to the riverside ward and also covering the Tulsa YSA! I am so excited. I hear nothing but super awesome things about the area so I can't wait. My new companion is Elder Nielson. He seems like a good guy. He served with Elder Bulpitt so I can't wait to check that out! In other news... Harold Moore got baptized and I didn't drown him so give thanks for that! He is an amazing guy with a huge testimony and has over come many struggles to get there! It was kinda strange cause I looked up while welcoming people and I saw the assistant grinning at me! That was cool and then of coarse, who else but President and Sister Shumway, so that was an awesome surprise:) We also got to go to the Woolarock Museum and I drove the BULL! So that was awesome. That day involved 6ish hours of driving. Yuck. But it was good practice for future road trips! Hope you enjoy the many pics and stay tuned cause Sally Moore will be having her baptism most likely on the 21st! I cant wait!!!!

If you want to write him, send me a message or comment for the new address (:

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