Saturday, December 14, 2013

Caden {12.14.13}

So as i walk around this place you here three main things... bronco mendenhall, byu football players in the nfl, and ching pong tong Wang wing ping.... that’s Asian for "look at the white boy with the tiny companion." that’s me! Well this week was much better than last. Sorry if i can’t get to all emails it is hard with limited time. I am just waiting for my laundry to get done! I love seeing chase Langford and Sutton may walk around the REAL University of the lord! I am starting to love everyone here! I am pretty sick right now:/ but life happens, ya even on the lord’s time. KENNY FELT THE LOVE OF GOD AFTER HIS PRAYER. I am realizing that no matter how much i prepare the spirit with take my plan and shove it down my throat (making me have to poop) and starts saying its own thing. I realized that i can only teach them so much. The key is asking questions causing there answers to bare testimony to themselves! I am like a flipping magician up in here making people answer themselves! In all trueness. I really don’t know what i am saying half the time. I just open my mouth and the spirit fly’s out. I am so excited to get to OK on Tuesday morning! Remember guys it is hard to add people with little time left. So make sure if someone wants to be on the list they email me first! I love you all. God speed! Elder Madsen out:)

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