Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Provo MTC -----> Tulsa, OK

So I knew there was a possibility that Caden would be able to call from the airport today, but no promises. I thought his flight was at seven so I woke up at five and waited and waited until finally I just kinda knew he wouldn't be calling so I went back to bed. I woke back up for work at eight and a few minutes later, my phone rang! Here I am thinking, this is a sick joke. An unknown number calling. I answered, not thinking it would be him because I thought he had already left, and It was! I just sat there and didn't say anything for a minute. It was so surreal.  I had gone from hearing his voice all day every day to not at all these past two weeks! It was so exciting getting to talk to him. (: He told me I needed to stop crying cause he needed to hesr my voice more than anything! It was adorable. Turns out his flight is at nine, and some random lady let him use her cell to call! I got to talk to a few of the other missionaries too! They told me they loved the ring I got him, and that he never stops talking about me! That was great to hear!! haha (: We talked just like normal for about fifteen minutes! It was so good to hear from him! He Is doing great and is excited to get to Tulsa! I love him more than ever and I'm so proud of him!! (: He's going to do great! Watch out Tulsa, you have a fantastic man coming to ya today. (:

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