Monday, December 30, 2013

P-Day! (:

So this is Caden's first p-day while in his actual mission. --last week he couldn't email due to library closure,  but it was okay cause he had someone call and tell me why and that he loved me so I wouldn't worry. It was adorable.-- Anyway, he's doing good! He is currently in Marshfield, MO. He talked about how grateful he was for all his cute packages from his family and I, and also about how great it was to Skype us. He seems to be doing good, just struggling with how racist the people are. He also sent some pictures, so I'll post those. He has told me to send him pictures every time I hear from him, and says it helps a ton. I believe it. Getting these pictures helped a ton and reminded me that in as much as he is still here with me, I am there with him as well. I sure love this guy. (:

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