Monday, December 30, 2013

Caden {12.30.13}

Well i missed my first p day email last week:/ that’s okay cause i got to talk to my family and best friend on Christmas!!! So just going to throw out some info about the place and sorry if i can’t email you directly!!:) I have a wheelchair in the apartment so I and elder Andrew cross ride around in it whenever we are home and i can do every trick in the book including doing a wheely backward! On Christmas Eve i got the chance to clean up a bloody crime scene. I'm not joking either! A man shot himself and being in this little town means the police didn't clean it up. They were a less active family so who better to call than the missionaries!!! Yay? people round here are hickish and pretty racist. Which REALLY bothers me! I got some awesome packages from my mommy and Travy and Chris and Heather, and Auntie Cresta and Uncle Dee. And Jamee and Mario and Gma and Gpa too. Aunt Stacey and Uncle Lonnie’s are in the mail! And......... Of course one from my best friend McKayla! I just love my family so much! The MTC was okay but i am happy to be in the field. That is for sure! My companion lives three minutes away from me back home. I know his twin brother. And he is friends with a ton of my friends! And our brothers new each other. Just a small world! He is such a cool guy! And i am not just saying that, he can’t even see my screen! We had a Baptist guy tell us that we were in a cult and headed to hell and that we needed the bible. So elder cross reminded him of a small commandment... LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY SELF. After that we got a call from a guy named Rodney that wanted us to come see him, but when we stopped by his house a week earlier we were told to get off the property and never return. He now wants to come back to church and take reactivation lessons! JESUS LIVES THROUGH US! It was an amazing experience. I am putting my psychology stuff to work getting people to quit smoking... I am helping 7 people right now! And they are doing what i (the spirit) tells them to do!:) That’s all i can think of right now! I miss you all. Forward my email so i can talk to peeps! And someone get Jeremy Irish on this list! I love you all! Love elder big papa sexy Madsen;)

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